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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Michael Flatleys Feet Of Flames' gave the following results:

191 matches in composers
  1. Michael Been
  2. Michael Jay
  3. Michael Lai
  4. Michael Hunter
  5. Michael Staudacher
  6. Michael Montes
  7. Michael Kaulkin
  8. Michael B. Jeter
  9. Michael Cera
  10. Michael Neilson
  11. Michael McGregor
  12. Michael Morgan
  13. Michael S. Patterson
  14. Michael Patti
  15. Michael Hoffman
  16. Michael Heilrath
  17. Michael Bross
  18. Michael Hartmann
  19. Michael Frei
  20. Michael Farrell
Show all 191 matching composers
5415 matches in tracks
  1. Get Up On Ya Feet (03:18)
    from Kim Possible
    Angela Michael & Aaron Carter
  2. Happy Feet Two Opening Medley (04:12)
    from Happy Feet Two
    P!nk, Common, Lil P-Nut, Happy Feet Two Chorus
  3. Sid & Mary Beth (02:23)
    from Paper Heart
    Performed by Michael Cera, Michael Cassady and Alden Penner
  4. The Beginning (02:56)
    from Paper Heart
    Performed by Michael Cera, Michael Cassady, Alden Penner and Adam Etinson
  5. Allie's Theme (00:00)
    from Mosquito Coast, The
    Electronic Ensemble: Michael Boddicker, Michael Fisher, Ralph Grierson, Judd Miller, Nyle Steiner, Ian Underwood
  6. Through the Flames (03:16)
    from Jewel Of The Nile, The
  7. Up in Flames (03:43)
    from House Of Wax
  8. Flames / Lin Toa (02:18)
    from Golden Needles
  9. Up In Flames (00:59)
    from Arctic Blue
  10. Up In Flames (01:47)
    from Ma
  11. From Flames (01:01)
    from Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
  12. Through The Flames (01:38)
    from Árbol Sin Sombra, El
  13. Flames (04:31)
    from Limit Of Love: Umizaru
  14. Flames (00:55)
    from Hindenburg
  15. Through the Flames (00:46)
    from Leningrad
  16. In Flames (01:08)
    from Nutcracker And The Mouse King, The
  17. Up in Flames (02:13)
    from Prophecy, The
  18. Through the Flames (04:23)
    from Jagd Nach Der Heiligen Lanze, Die
  19. Old Flames (00:00)
    from Danny Elfman & Tim Burton 25th Anniversary Music Box, The
  20. Old Flames (00:00)
    from Pee-wee's Big Adventure
Show all 5415 matching tracks